

Founded: 2022

We are the state-wide startup scene in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.


The Gründungswerft is a non-profit initiative founded by over 180 entrepreneurs from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern to build a startup ecosystem throughout the state. With six local chapters and close collaboration with the ecosystem, we aim to create a thriving startup hub in the region. Our platform offers a trusted, state-wide network for students, entrepreneurs, and institutions to work together and drive innovation. We provide regular pitching events with prizes, a structured overview of all training opportunities, and a database of the entire startup scene in MV. As a key representative for the ecosystem and policy makers, we advocate for the startup community's interests.


City / State

Funding & Benefits

Type of Funding
Program Fee
Offer Details
Sky of Seagulls ( - Regular pitching event at events with prizes HOW2START ( - Structured overview of all further education events Ecosystem Database ( - Map with all details of the start-up scene in MV


Application Status
Always Open
Number of Alumni Startups