Crypto Consultant

Crypto Consultant

Founded: 2020

We think macro, we act micro.


Program Type
12 months

I would like to inform those interested into the startups programme that a round of applications is now open. The programme has gone through a round of refinement and upgrade. In order to test the assumptions made, this round of applications is open for a limited number of participants. So only three (3) startup projects will be accepted for this cohort. There is no assertion made that future cohorts will necessarily accept a higher number of participants though.
The startups programme aspire to be inclusive. This mean that the only selection criteria applied are
• the startup is not involved in an unethical business activity,
• the founder(s) commit(s) to the startup either full time or part time.
If you fulfill this criteria rest assured your application will be accepted subject only to cohort limits. This mean the open positions will be filled by those who sign the relevant formal agreements in order of date of signature. For that reason you will need to read, express any concerns and negotiate in a timely manner, especially if you have a lawyer who will counsel you. Applications will be closed as soon as the cohort limit is reached in terms of signed business agreements.
The programme participants receive the following assistance:
1. Value proposition canvas.
2. Lean model canvas.
3. Business plan.
4. Financial projections.
5. Pitch deck.
6. Valuation.
7. Credits & savings from a pool of existing programme partners.
8. Mentoring.
9. Option to activate consultancy to create a fundraising campaign and promote it to investors that match the startup’s profile. This feature is activated in coordination with me, if certain criteria are met.
You may have inferred this already, but this programme is suitable for early stage startup projects. This is not a criterion though and still any founder may apply regardless, as long as the previously mentioned criteria are satisfied.
A symbolic fee equivalent to $1 is applied upon formal acceptance of the programme's terms. The programme does not take equity in the participating startup projects. A revenue based approach is preferred, where the startup commit to make payments up to a specified amount at which point the obligation is exhausted. The payments kick in as soon as the startup is in a position to pay its founders or employees. There is an option however to convert the outstanding amount to equity at a later time in a predetermined manner, which I strive to make it fair for both parties involved.
The working language is English for all materials, guidance, document development and any other aspect of the programme.
An important note is that the programme will be running frequently so founders do not need to worry about claiming a spot for later, if they are not ready to commit their time and effort. During the previous rounds of the programme such behavior has been observed. It is discouraged as it prevent others with a higher level of commitment and readiness to participate.
Interested founders may either schedule a video call to introduce ourselves and exchange more information or apply. The finalization process involve two steps.
1. A confidentiality agreement is negotiated and signed by the two parties.
2. The agreement that establishes a business relationship is negotiated and signed.
In order to sign those agreements you will need a digital signature, either self issued or by a third party, e.g. a government or private service. In case you need assistance with self issuance, it is provided upon request.
Application form:
Schedule a video call:

Funding & Benefits

Type of Funding
Program Fee
Offer Details
No equity. Convertible option.


Application Status
Always Open