Google - Malaga Cybersecurity Accelerator

Google - Malaga Cybersecurity Accelerator

Founded: 2015

Started by you. Accelerated with Google.


Program Type

Google for Startups Accelerator helps your startup innovate and grow by sharing our knowledge of building successful companies, adopting an AI-first methodology, and leadership best practices. What’s more, we connect you with expert mentors from across the globe to support on technical and product problem solving.

On successfully applying to the Google for Startups Accelerator, you will receive:
- Equity-free support
- Mentoring from 20+ Google teams
- Access to Google’s global network of experts and mentors
- Partnership on an advanced technology project
- Technical training on design, people, product, and growth marketing
- Support on high-level company and product strategy
- Google product credits and early access to new services


City / State

Funding & Benefits

Type of Funding


# of Exits
Crunchbase Rank