SKL B2C Launch Camp

SKL B2C Launch Camp

Join SKL B2C Launch Camp program to turn your idea into a funded startup.


21 days is offering an intensive online camp where teams of 1 to 5 people will work on their B2C project for 21 days, from the idea stage to a prototype. The top participants will receive job offers with salaries up to $200,000 per year, stock options, and up to $1.5 million in funding to bring their project to life.
You can apply until July 15th:
The website provides a list of industries that are our priority and the niches that are not suitable for us. I also recommend checking the checklist to see if your idea meets the key requirements.
Crucially, the team should be able to create a prototype without involving external contractors. Your idea should be suitable for a large and growing market in the USA or EU, where there is room for a new unicorn.

Funding & Benefits

Type of Funding


Application Status
Application Deadline
Start Date