sparklabs cultiv8

sparklabs cultiv8

Founded: 2018

Building world leading agri-food technology companies


Program Type
6 months

SparkLabs Cultiv8 offers Founders and Startups in the Agriculture and Food Technology sectors an esteemed business development and growth experience due to its cross-border connectedness, operational positioning to capitalise on Northern and Southern Hemisphere testing processes and its accelerator funding model to support early and later stage Startups.

SparkLabs Cultiv8 is a leading, global Agriculture and Food Technology Accelerator. SparkLabs Cultiv8 is uniquely a world class Accelerator and Research Facility Co-Founded by Asia’s leading Technology Accelerator group, SparkLabs Group, and the NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) together with leading farms and corporate partners.

Successful applicants to the global SparkLabs Cultiv8 program gain exclusive access to:

- More than 120 expert mentors across the globe
- The NSW Department of Primary industries research labs and more than 650 Scientists and Engineers
- 25 research stations on 13,000+ hectares of agricultural trial sites across 4 critical climatic regions (temperature, subtropical, coastal and alpine)
- Top-tier Venture Capitalists, Angel Investors and Entrepreneurial Executives
- Global AgTech Ecosystem (GATE) spaces and resources to support business operations and management

Asia’s growing demands for Agricultural and Food solutions provides Australia’s experienced sectors with an unparalleled business opportunity to lead the design, development, testing and deployment of world class AgTech and Food Tech solutions with the support of the SparkLabs Cultiv8 Accelerator ecosystem.

We enable great entrepreneurs in the AgTech and Food Tech sectors to prototype, scale and commercialise their products by providing them access to our esteemed global ecosystem of expertise, tools and resources. Successful Program Applicants get 8 months of strategic and dedicated support, funding, office space, structured learning modules and up to $100,000AUD.

Program duration is 3 months generally. But it depends on the startup's individual goals.

Funding & Benefits

Type of Funding
$100k AUD
Program Fee


Application Status
Always Open
# of Startups / Cohort
# of Cohorts / Year
# of Startups Invested
Number of Alumni Startups
Total Funding Raised by Startups