Sputnik ATX

Sputnik ATX

Founded: 2017

In Russian, Sputnik means partner, and we want to be your companion for success.


13 weeks

Our program provides start-up training, mentoring, and support to successful applicants. You will also get office space in our awesome location in downtown Austin for up to 4 team members (you can cram in more if needed, but you'll get room for four). Upon completion of the three-month program, held in Austin, TX, applicants will pitch to a group of VCs, and have opportunities for follow-on funding.

If selected, you will be required to reside in Austin, TX for the duration of the program.

If selected, you will receive a $100,000 investment via our SAFE note*. The SAFE note negates any need to haggle over your valuation. We prefer to just get to work, and let your results speak for itself. Please look at our sample note for full terms and conditions.

Sputnik ATX is focused on companies that already have a minimum viable product and at least one customer. We are open to most industries and verticals, excluding weapons, alcohol, recreational drugs, porn/adult, real estate, multi-level marketing, franchises, and restaurants.


City / State

Funding & Benefits

Type of Funding
$100K via safe note


Application Status